Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Behind the reason why i'm missing for months....

aku xberapa gemar sangat dengan perubahan yg ketara..
sebab aku,takut kalau perubahan tu menyusahkan hidup aku nanti..
tapi, suka atau x, memang kena terima juga perubahan tu..

sebab tulah, selepas setahun kerja sebagai Exec dalam Banking Industries, aku cuba untuk beralih arah dalam bidang nyanyian  lain.. sorang2 colleague aku blah..daripada macai macam aku,sampai laaa ke manager yg aku sayang.. 
padahal aku je yg nak blah sangat dari sane, tahu2 aku jugak yg stay paling lama .. cisssss

‘I love my job, I love to work my ass out to make me proud of myself coz work can pay you good..But unfortunately, my heart is no longer there’

one fine day,sambil hisap rokok Winston Light kegemaran, HTC gua berbunyik menandakan ada orang call untuk offer gua kerja.
Location : damansara
Post : Business Development Exec
Salary : negotiable

Set .!!

Interview isnin depan. X boleh bagi can ni, kena jugak bawak geng lagi 2 orang and standby utk kerja baru. hoohoho

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Kerja baru tu rupanya indah khabar dari rupa. 

Ini bukan lagi work my ass out .! 

this is killing my ass out brai.!!! 

Bernanah laaa punggung aku macam niiii..

Dengan jalan yg jem sentiasa, parking mahal, kena selalu keluar n redah jem selalu, kena buat cold call, dalam seminggu tu je 3 keping surat cinta gua dapat yg melekat kat wiper kereta gua !!
Duit simpanan gua dah banyak habis kat sini..!!!

Gua betul2 dah salah buat langkah dalam pilih kerja..

Pfffftt.. cukup dapat saman yg ke-4, gua teros MIA dari sana..

Ini bukan life gua, first 2 weeks kerja da dapat banyak saman..duit pulak da banyak habis. That’s mean; it’s a bad sign.... Definitely not a good sign.!

aku paranoid dengan segala jenis saman

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 2 bulan gua menganggur, 2bulan lagi nak raya dan 2 bulan tu jugak lah gua terpakse coverline dari parents, member2, ngn sepupu sepapat.

 Yg tahu pun cuma member2 rapat je…yg lain semua xtahu..

Pura2 gi kerja waktu pagi, pura2 balik rumah waktu petang. Hari2 gua kehulur kehilir mencari kerja. Duit simpanan gua makin susut utk cover 2 months expenses. Dgn nak raya lagi ni …

ahhhhhhh sempuuuuuuuuuttttt.....

Hidup gua da terputus dgn dunia luar semata2 nk berjimat. Lepak pun dekat2 je and I had to bullshitting everyone how perfect is everything, the new job and all….

Ya Allah…dugaan..

aku betul2 terduduk dengan kejatuhan macam ni…..

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I managed to survive until Eid comes. 

A week later...

Things get interesting … My line was barred, no more in-house wifi , life insurance agency has request their payment for the next cycle, car need to be paid for the missing 2 months,  not to mention the debt cards ...

The bank kept calling… Sighhhh...those things can wait..... I suppose

All my savings that should be sufficient is gone just for me to pay my new house that I bought. I need to pay it. It took me too much effort for me to lose it.

For weeks I had to sit at home..

i only go out whenever my friends want to pick me up for hanging out, and even Raya open houses.
Marlia, Fazli, Ariff..They are the one who responsible to pick me up everytime..

Im like a mouse that trapped in a pinhole

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I miss my old life…

Kalau x, dalam seminggu tu 3 4 kali mesti aku keluar lepak xoxo ngn Kak Ram. Friday night  pegi tolong dia kecikkan perut dgn main badminton.

I like to see her. I miss her.

 Eventho i was never her option in the first place.. but i dont mind..its not a big deal

honestly.. I don’t really care that  much..i really dont....i swear 

She's nice, talkative..i like that =)

Hati gua memberontak untuk jumpa dia. 
Hati gua memberontak untuk bercakap dgn dia. 
Tapi kepala gua tetap halang, walaupun kepala gua tahu yg dia selalu bermain dalam fikiran gua…

Mane nak cari duit minyak nye, mane nk carik duit nak bayar itu ini nye..

aku x boleh nk bagitahu dia tentang ape yg berlaku kat aku sekarang...
aku malu... aku xnak dia pandang aku sebagai seorang loser..
im not a loser.!

Untuk sementara waktu, aku terpaksa buat dia bengang dan mara dengan aku supaya dia xnak jumpa aku buat masa ni..
My ignorance, my FB post, even “angel” that i created… She is really exist and i do get the all the good attraction from angel, but I was never make a move to get her mobile no. Yes. I lied about that

cuma harap benda2 ni hanya sementara.. aku xmampu ada komitmen lain utk masa sekarang..
Sebab aku tahu, mulut aku akan automatic cerita jugak kat dia nanti... My mouth have a mind of its own i tell u..

Kepala gua buntu, and I really can’t think straight in those kind of situation. tu je yg gua dapat fikirkan..

betul ke ape yg aku buat ni.???

I don’t hv any choice, I had to remain subtle…

I can only stalk her in FB, stalk her in every way that I can. Dapat tgk gambar dan dapat tahu ape dye buat pun jadi lah… yes.! Im a badass stalker..!
Sampai masuk dalam mimpi ni... hadoii

its so damn hard to keep all this secret like this.!!!

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Syukur Alhamdulillahhhhh..

gua akhirnya dapat kerja dalam 1 MNC company. Semua yg aku nak, ada kt sana. Gaji, benefit, location. Ini bulan pertama aku kerja kat sini. betullah orang kata bila, 

semua yg berlaku mesti ada hikmah nya.

Im happyyy..!!!! =))  Inilah masa yg aku tunggu-tunggu selama ni.. Masa untuk aku bebas kembali..

.. x sabar aku nak pergi dunia luar balik, lepak dengan member-member, and most of all, catch up balik cerita xoxo dengan dia.. i wanna meet her so much...!

But... Things dont like to happpen as well as we planned...

By referring how she lives her life everyday.. 

sekarang aku rasa mesti dia dah move on dengan hidup dia and completely forget about me of course..

aku ada gak cuba utk contact dia, tapi setiap kali sebelum sempat aku nak tekan button send, i always thought that she might be busy enjoying her life hanging out or dating with her friends...

Jadi aku cuma berdiam diri......

But its really got on my nerve to contact her. ade jugak aku  cuba  text... tapi hasilnye, cuma dapat cold reaction...

biarlahhhh, dia tengah bahagia..i know her happiness is one of the most important thing in the world to me. and that she will have a wonderful world with everything she do... As well as much as i wish all my closest friends to be, happy.. Thats is all i can wish for and that is all i can try to do to make u guys to be

orang lain sekeliling aku pun semua tengah bahagia... dan bukan tempat aku untuk ganggu korang.....

im still keeping my secret from everybody..try keeping everything normal because someone told me 

We all have somethings we need to hide. Its hard.. but it does get better

My current mission.??

Aku kena stabilkan balik semua yg aku dah hutang. Aku kena kejar balik semua yg aku dah hilang. Aku kena bangun kn balik semua yg aku dah jatuh...

I really hope I can catch everything up..i really hope so...

sighhhhhhh....lets face forward shall we??

GOD please help and guide me....i cant afford anymore mistakes..please make everything go as i plan now...

mood : i leave everything to my Creator


  1. she worth to wait?
    she is not urs to begin wif
    move on already. well, she did =)

  2. lelaki yg sngt ego. . but in a cute way
    plz dun be gay #lol


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